Just Relax

Thursday, October 20, 2011

          Hi anybody, everybody so very boring not concentrate ha! don't understand what happened . aaaaa screaming craaazzzzyyy so lazyyyyyyy . hiks 
hey everybody, help me please? :( 
in here, in my room. no body that listen for me and I don't know what I feel. maybe this night, i just bored for everything not bad mood but none mood ha! flying flying flying, i want it although just one minutes.
        I'm listening music , just relax. Music is something that can make people feel comfortable. I like listening to music in my free time, because that really makes me feel relaxed. I like listening to jazz music, soft music and pop music. I like jazz music because it is fashionable and I don’t want to be left out when people talk about their favorite singers. Soft music can make me feel calm when I am feeling anxious or angry. Pop music makes me feel really high and excited.

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  1. aaaaa ngk tau nih inan . malam2 galau deh (katamu kan, grrrr) ya emang sih . sedih aja gituh rasanya. help me :(

  2. galau?? solusinya, ke danau galau aja :P

    sedih kenapa?? have a problem??
    what can i do for u??


  3. ah kamu mah kongkow nya didanau galau wkwk
    ya mgkin gara2 kangen rumah aja kali yah , sepi gitu nan . rasanya lama ngk pulang

  4. hahah.,.kan klo ngegalau di danau galau gratissss :D

    ohh.,.,kmu balik aja pas idul adha.,sekalin lebaran haji bareng ortu., :)

  5. iya insyaallah ntr balik nan . km kan kemaren udah balik kan yah

  6. aminnn.,., bilang" y klo mau balik :)

    iya donk.,udah foto bareng pula ma suami" n istri kk" ku (bkin cemburu :P)
