Black On Black and Stripes

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Hi everyone, ramadhan will be come on. how do you feel? wopp wopp I'm so much Happy!! Alhamdulillah, How about you? I miss ramadhan, Please give a time that can running quickly! Can not wait for ramadhan. But, I can not the first day with ma fams. because I must working about thesis, maybe I'll go to home 1 week before IED. go go I trust I can do it! sure? yes yes! :D Bismillah
Anyway, today I'm wearing black and stripes. do you see ma flowers belt? It's beautiful belt with a brown colour. I love this. Have a good day ya! Xx,

bag: Louis Vuitton | boots: Insight
Photographer by @ryvandy (on Instagram)

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    Nice post! Thumbs Up :)

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